Funny Quotes

Humor is one of the most difficult things to define. What is funny to one person may very well be insulting to another. A child will find something hilariously funny while the parent gets more enjoyment out of the amusement of the child than from the joke. Sometimes jokes are age specific, although many of the simplest jokes are the ones that are appreciated over and over again as the individual grows older.

Funny quotes are great for using as the punch line of a joke, but they are also able to brighten your day as you think about the truth or absurdity of what was said. These pithy statements usually express an obvious concept, but in a way that sheds new light on the idea. They are often used in definitions to add a lighter touch to the speech or writing. You should be aware, though, that even if you find particularly good funny quotes to add to your speech, many of your audience members will simply not recognize the quote as humorous. 

Don't make the mistake of trying to use something that you personally don't find terribly funny because it would be hard to deliver the quote convincingly. Another thing to avoid in your delivery is to laugh so hard at the quote that the audience is put off by your laughter. Smirking before the delivery is another negative way to use funny quotes and will ruin most of the effect of the statement.

Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Funny Quotes
Sometimes the funny quotes are effective because of the demeanor, popularity or delivery mode of the famous person. Comments attributed to Winston Churchill, and Albert Einstein are great examples. We tend to think of these people as aloof and dignified, yet their quoted comments include flashes of genuine wry humor that touches the humor chord in each one of us. 

Certain subjects are almost always a goldmine for funny quotes. Mother-in-law jokes, driving and the innocent remarks of children come to mind. The trick for the first two subjects is finding a new way to say the same old things, while children seem to bring a fresh insight to the things they see, perceive and understand without any effort at all. 

Although some types of funny quotes are considered to be politically incorrect, this is often what makes them popular for a time. Cultural jokes, racial jokes, blond jokes come immediately to mind. These are taking generalizations about a race or culture to the point of absurdity, which makes them effective as a funny saying or comment. 

Care should be taken when using funny quotes of this nature that they do not become simply racist, for example. Racism and bigotry is never humorous, only hurtful. Quotes aimed at demeaning, or making fun of a person's physical characteristics, handicaps or beliefs should never be used, as they make the quoter look small and hateful rather than humorous. 

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